
Complete Guide in HTML, CSS & JavaScript


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS is used to control the presentation and layout of HTML elements. It allows you to style web pages, making them visually appealing.

Key Concepts:

  1. Selectors: CSS uses selectors to target HTML elements. You can select elements by tag name (e.g., p), class (e.g., .my-class), or ID (e.g., #my-id).
  2. Properties and Values: CSS properties (e.g., color, font-size) define what aspect of an element you want to style, and values (e.g., red, 16px) determine how you want to style it.
  3. Box Model: The box model describes how elements are rendered on a page, including content, padding, borders, and margins.
  4. Layout: CSS provides techniques like Flexbox and Grid for creating responsive and flexible page layouts.
  5. Transitions and Animations: CSS allows you to create smooth transitions and animations for enhanced user experiences.
  6. Media Queries: Media queries let you apply different styles based on the device’s screen size, enabling responsive design.


JavaScript is a versatile scripting language used to add interactivity and functionality to web pages.

Key Concepts:

  1. Variables and Data Types: JavaScript supports various data types such as strings, numbers, booleans, and objects. Variables (let, const, var) are used to store data.
  2. Functions: Functions are blocks of reusable code. They can take parameters, perform actions, and return values.
  3. Conditional Statements: JavaScript provides if, else, and switch statements for making decisions in your code.
  4. Loops: Loops like for and while allow you to repeat actions multiple times.
  5. Events: JavaScript can respond to user interactions like clicks and keystrokes using event listeners.
  6. DOM Manipulation: The Document Object Model (DOM) represents the structure of an HTML document, and JavaScript can be used to interact with and modify it dynamically.
  7. Asynchronous Programming: JavaScript can handle asynchronous tasks using callbacks, Promises, and async/await, allowing for non-blocking code execution.
  8. Libraries and Frameworks: There are popular libraries and frameworks like jQuery, React, and Angular that simplify and enhance JavaScript development for building complex web applications.
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This course is designed and intended for beginners who want to shift or start a career in web development. A step by step guide along with computer tips and techniques is provided during this course. The course covers an in-depth project-based study in HTML, CSS & Javascript and the students will also learn how to launch or deploy their website online. This is focused on learning by doing approach instead of theories. Concepts and theories are also being taught, but only when it is very relevant to create an actual project.

Finishing the course will not only make students be knowledgeable about these three technologies, but they will also learn associated technologies such as FTP applications, content delivery network resources, external web resources. Therefore, they will have enough working knowledge to get started in the field of web development.

The students will learn the different modern techniques that will make them proficient enough to build responsive websites.